Friday 6 October 2017

Higher ed leaders are 10% more likely to use social media than their corporate counterparts

by Pat Donachie, Education Dive
Many higher ed institutions across the globe are boosting their social budgets to keep up with a new generation of students who rely primarily on social media for their news and information about a variety of topics, according to a new report from Hootsuite, a social media monitoring company. These results and others are found in “The Social Campus Report: 8 Opportunities for Higher Ed in 2018,” which is to be released today in conjunction with a webinar conducted by Phil Chatterton, the industry principle for higher education at the company. Chatterton said the company received more than 800 responses from institutions around the world in regards to their survey. The study revealed that on 70% of campuses, students had spurred the increased focus on social media. Chatterton said the analysis revealed higher ed administrators and executives are increasingly aware of the need to invest in social media, with 66% of executives viewing it as a strategic area of focus and 63% believing it is an important aspect of a school’s strategic planning and the fulfillment of its institutional mission.

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