Sunday 8 October 2017

Learn how to grow your tech interest into a lucrative career

by Android Authority

Some people go to school for years to learn the skills they need to pass the exam and be proficient IT experts. They may even take additional courses or hire private tutors specifically for exam studying. This is the old model, and it’s expensive. To the ire of university computer science departments nationwide, the landscape is rapidly shifting. Online courses are quickly becoming the norm for educating one’s self to proficiency in a variety of fields, and the places we’re seeing this the strongest is coding, IT, and network security. The landscape is rapidly shifting. These courses can still be pretty pricey, however. Especially if you’re buying the individually. And you’re going to need to take several to get a full curriculum. Just like the traditional route, you can’t take one Biology 101 course and then expect to get your degree in bioengineering. The good news is that online course creators like to bundle together related courses to create a kind of lesson plan. Their benefit is that they increase their enrollment, making their classes more attractive. Your benefit is that you don’t break the bank, and you don’t have to worry about what course to take next: they’re all laid out for you.

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