Wednesday 5 July 2017

Report: Faculty Support Lacking for Wide Adoption of Digital Learning

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

Most colleges and universities are thinking and acting strategically regarding their digital learning initiatives. Most cover digital learning in their school’s strategic plan, and a large number have made it a core aspect of their plans. Yet, execution is uneven and digital learning hasn’t come close to meeting administrator or faculty expectations. That summary comes out ofa new report produced by Tyton Partners in collaboration with the Babson Survey Research Group. A similar subject was undertaken in 2014 when Tyton interviewed more than 2,700 postsecondary faculty and administrators on their use and perceptions of digital courseware. The latest report updates that research and examines findings from two fall 2016 surveys of a national sample of 3,500 postsecondary respondents.

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