Sunday 16 July 2017

The Global Search for Education: Is Blended Learning Overhyped? Our Teachers Around the World Weigh In

by CM Rubin, Huffington Post

“However, this type of blended learning where technology use is kept separate from a collaborative learning experience is not the best way to use technology in the classroom.” “The hope is that by blending traditional and new teaching methods they will build on each other, providing students with an innovative and effective learning experience nurturing skills students need to succeed both in life and in a tech-driven workface,” writes Craig Kemp (@mrkempnz) in Singapore. “The importance of digital literacy has increased the need for a blended learning environment.” “It is clear that learning can’t be limited anymore in one place…Learning happens in different places during different times through individual life,” writes Maarit Rossi (@pathstomath) in Finland. “I have positive expectations to the possibilities of blended learning. I support a holistic approach to 21st Century education. It means we need versatile teaching methods and balanced assessment.”

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