Thursday 6 October 2016

Digital Textbook Codes As Costly As Traditional Course Materials

By Sri Ravipati, Campus Technology

Textbook costs are a sore subject for many college and university students, with increasing textbook prices prompting students to look for less expensive options. Digital textbooks may be seen as a cost-friendly alternative, but the access code model commonly used by publishers can make this option just as pricey for students. That is the main analysis within “Access Denied: The New Face of Textbook Monopoly,” a new report from Student PIRGs (Public Interest Research Groups). In prior reports, Student PIRGs found that nearly 50 percent of students factor in textbook costs when deciding which and how many courses to take, while 33 percent use financial aid to purchase their textbooks. The latest study investigates and compares the costs of online access codes in college classes.

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