Tuesday 28 June 2016

FCC Chairman Gets Educated on VR at Stanford

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

A day after the a federal appeals court upheld net neutrality rules put into place last year by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the guy who heads that agency had a chance to try out virtual reality (VR) and to ask questions of Stanford University experts about how VR might affect future policy decisions. FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler visited the university specifically to check in on the Virtual Human Interaction Lab. The mission of that lab is to understand the impact of VR on interactions among people residing in digital worlds. Wheeler used the visit to emphasize the importance of “unfettered access to the entire web,” as he said in a prepared statement regarding the DC Circuit ruling. “Virtual reality shouldn’t have gatekeepers,” he told those participating in his Stanford visit. “It starts with an internet that is fast, fair and open.”


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from Educational Technology http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/?p=16167

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