Wednesday 29 June 2016

Deep Dive into the Structure of Privacy Policies

By Bill Fitzgerald, THE Journal

As part of our work for the Common Sense District Privacy Evaluation Initiative, we spend a lot of time reading through the text of privacy policies and terms of service of educational software. However, we are also looking at the mechanics of how these policies are articulated and delivered. Over time, as we evaluate more policies, we will be looking for possible patterns or correlations between technical and stylistic details, and the contents of policies. To be clear, we do not think we will find any direct correlation between policy structures and whether terms are good or bad (although if we could see that predictably, that would make everyone’s life a whole lot easier). However, even based on what we’ve seen so far — and we are in the early stages of this analytical work — we are seeing some potential indicators that will help us highlight specific elements of policies and analyze them more efficiently. To get a better sense of our process and how we’re carrying out this work, I’ve outlined a few of the primary ways we are analyzing privacy policies here.

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