Tuesday 7 January 2014

Personalized learning – can BYOD give students more voice and choice?

by Maggie Hos-MaGrane, Tech Transformation

This is the third post in my series looking at what I’ve learned in 2013. In this post I’m going to write about personalized learning and whether BYOD or BYOM can help to give students more voice and choice. Earlier this year I started an online course called The 5Ws of Personalized Learning, and one of my first assignments was to look whether 1:1 learning was personalized learning. I found that the evidence from various places indicates that students in 1:1 environments show an improvement in their learning, as measured in test scores and % of students who graduate though it is questionable whether or not these improvements are due to the technology, or the improved teaching practices that accompanied the adoption of 1:1 learning.


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