Wednesday 1 January 2014

Great Learning design is the key to success in mobile learning

by (UK) Virtual College

In our previous blog we looked at Michael Allen’s 4 Ms and the importance of developing measurable e-learning materials.. In this blog we are going to look at another very topical m….that is mobile eLearning often called “m-learning”. M-learning is still in its infancy with interest being driven by the exceptional growth in popularity of Smartphones and tablets. I am sure we will deliver m-learning to over a million learners in a few short years, just as we have delivered e-learning to a million learners already. As such m-learning presents a whole new set of challenges, but the change in medium doesn’t affect the key design principles we discussed last week. Indeed such is the complexity and transformational opportunity of m-learning good design is even more important than before.–newsitems-132.aspx

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