Sunday 1 January 2017

How to Teach High-School Students to Spot Fake News

By Chris Berdik, Slate

Northport, N.Y., High School seniors look for examples of direct evidence and verified information in news stories. High school seniors in Northport, New York, look for examples of direct evidence and verified information in news stories. When the AP United States history students at Aragon High School in San Mateo, California, scanned the professionally designed pages of, most concluded that it was a solid, unbiased source of facts and analysis. They noted the menu of research reports, graphics and videos, and the “About” page describing the site as a project of a “nonprofit research organization” called the Employment Policies Institute. But then their teacher, Will Colglazier, demonstrated how a couple more exploratory clicks—critically, beyond the site itself—revealed the Employment Policies Institute is considered by the Center for Media and Democracy to be a front group created by lobbyists for the restaurant and hotel industries.

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