Thursday 19 January 2017

Check Out This Free Online News Literacy Course

BY MICHAEL SPIKES, Bill Moyers and Company

The Center for News Literacy’s new course, “Making Sense of the News,” aims to teach people how to critically consume information and become more informed and engaged citizens. It starts on Monday. The age of “truthiness,” a term coined by Stephen Colbert during the inaugural broadcast of The Colbert Report, is here. It refers to the feeling that something must be true, even if we have no evidence to prove it. We’ve seen many examples of this all over the internet, where misinformation often resembles news. Tweets from conspiracy theorists don’t look much different from New York Times news alerts. The Facebook post that purportedly contains KFC’s secret recipe looks the same as the investigative report from The Guardian. At the Center for News Literacy, we have developed a course that has been taught to more more than 10,000 undergraduates at Stony Brook University, and thousands more at schools around the globe.

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