Tuesday 6 December 2016

Tracking Classroom Tech Use to Save Time and Money

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

The Classroom Technology Services (CTS) team at the University of Nevada Las Vegas Office of Information Technology had two primary motives for getting a better handle on tech usage on campus: 1) Combination VHS-DVD players weren’t exactly cutting edge, yet some faculty continued to rely on them; and 2) Some instructors tended to forget that electricity costs money, leaving equipment switched on when they walk out of the classroom. In the first case, noted Audio Video Specialist Frank Alaimo, “We were having trouble sourcing and finding these units, and we needed some concrete evidence to go back to our higher ups and say, ‘Look, this technology has died; it has long since been disabled. We need to get this out of our classrooms and move forward.’” As for the second case, said Alaimo, “Sometimes instructors forget to turn off the equipment after their Friday class and we’ll find it running on a Monday. That projector would have been running the entire weekend. Eventually, the equipment in their rooms fails prematurely.”


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from Educational Technology http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/?p=21014

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