Saturday 24 December 2016

Proposing a liberal arts and technical education armistice

by Bill Path, University Business

These graduates face two distinct sets of challenges, but their problems emerge from one source. One problem involves a lack of work-related training, and the other involves a lack of academic preparation. Both problems reflect a curricular deficit. Faculty in these contrasting disciplines share few things in common and rarely communicate with one another. But if they are to find solutions for the problems their graduates face, maybe they need each other more than they would like to admit. Why does higher education have to be either heads or tails? Why can it not be both heads and tails? Why does instruction have to be offered in either a theoretical learning model or in an applied learning model? Why can’t the instructional learning model be both theoretical and applied at the same time? Today’s college graduates are struggling. They need the technical skills to enter the modern workforce and the ability to advance their careers—not one or the other.

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