Friday 9 December 2016

Look Good, Feel Good, Do Better in Online Courses

By Amanda Cohen, ULoop

There is a common belief among college students that dressing nicely will help them focus better in class, and ultimately receive a better grade in the course. However, I have never thought about this “Look good, feel good, do better” debate applying to online courses until now. Usually, students will take online courses over summer vacation in order to get ahead in credits (at least most of my friends did). Whenever we would discuss online courses, most of my friends would say that they complete most of the work in their pajamas/comfortable gear lying in bed. So, the question at hand is whether or not students would be more successful in their online courses if they dressed for the occasion? Honestly, it truly depends on the person. However, I do find that I am most successful in accomplishing what I need to get done when my outward appearance is on the cute-casual spectrum rather than the pajama spectrum.

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