Thursday 18 August 2016

Survey Finds Millennial Parents Supportive Of DIY Approach To Education, Diverse School Options

by Parent Herald

Millennials are now the largest living generation in the country. One of the most studied and analyzed generations, millennials are now becoming parents. A new independent survey of U.S. households, supported by Connections Education, found that millennials are supportive of alternative approaches to education, with three-fourths of millennial parents (77 percent) saying a DIY approach to education, in which learners craft a path to graduation that best fits their needs, is a good idea. “The millennial generation flipped the workplace on its head, and all signs point to them breaking the status quo for education as well,” said Steven Guttentag, president and co-founder of Connections Education. “Compared to older generations, this generation of parents has more experience in education options beyond brick and mortar schools, such as online courses and blended learning. As a result, we’re finding they’re more open to and supportive of different education options.”

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