Wednesday 31 August 2016

How Technology Is Revolutionising Adult Learning

by Ed Cooke, Huffington Post

Edtech, it’s the new tech buzzword, and it’s growing – fast. According to a new report by Edtech UK, the global education technology sector was worth £45bn in 2015 and poised to reach £129bn by 2020. There are a lot of UK companies tackling digital education, and more specifically in our case the online language-learning space, and you can see why – technology offers us a completely new way of learning and exploits the brain’s capacity in a way that is far more fun and engaging than reading a textbook. Edtech is moving education out of the classroom and onto our mobile phones, making it accessible to anyone and everyone, and for little or no cost. With companies setting up new apps to help you revise and massive open online courses that allow you to complete an entire university-level course digitally, the possibilities for learning are now endless.

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