Tuesday 5 July 2016

Student at Risk: Now What?

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

Retention technology has revolutionized the way schools identify struggling students and manage the advising process — but the hard part is what happens after a student is flagged “at risk.” Two institutions share how they have fine-tuned their intervention strategies. It used to be that Ramapo College of New Jersey instructors would be asked by myriad departments — athletics, specialized services and various financial aid offices — to fill out questionnaires giving feedback about the students in their classes. The goal was to find out how students were doing and whether they needed extra help. These surveys came in a multitude of formats and might, in some cases, ask about the same student who belonged to multiple programs. At best, said Chris Romano, vice president of enrollment management and student affairs, the response rate would be about 40 percent. The faculty feedback that did come in would really only go to whichever entity had done the requesting, and the faculty themselves would rarely hear back about what actions had been taken. The results would go into a black hole, never to be seen again.


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from Educational Technology http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/?p=16227

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