Saturday 2 July 2016

Students in Credit Recovery Online Classes Need In-School Support

By Gayle Rich, How-to-Learn

Students in credit recovery online classes need in-school support, and a report from an education research group affirms the truth of that observation. Northwest discovered that schools with higher passing rates offer more structure and support in school for students in credit recovery. Data from 2013-2014 showed a wide variance in passing rates from school to school, but many schools had small samples. At Montana Digital Academy, last year steps were taken to add more physical support for students in online credit recovery courses. “We were really excited to get that validation,” said Jason Neiffer, MTDA’s assistant director and curriculum director. “It really kind of takes a village to teach an online student. There’s lots of ways we can provide some efficiencies, but in the end, it takes a healthy group effort.”

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