Wednesday 9 September 2015

Indiana U Expands Remote Support for IT Help

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

Indiana University has gone public with its multi-year usage of a remote support application to deliver IT help. The university system, which has 114,000 students, 23,000 employees and eight campuses is using Remote Support from Bomgar. The institution’s experience with remote support for IT got off to a rocky start. In 2007 the university’s Clinical Affairs schools (part of the School of Medicine) had four service technicians supporting about 600 desktops. Although the technicians tried to implement remote support, frequently, they simply had to visit the device in person to resolve problems. As Lisa Schunk, manager of client services for clinical affairs IT services (CAITS), explained in a prepared statement, “Our service technicians tried other tools, but these solutions were slow and they often dropped connections.” So she began hunting for a better approach. After assessing several contenders, the team chose Bomgar for ease of use and reliability.

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