Wednesday 9 September 2015

A Better Way to Find the Right OER

By Dian Schaffhauser, Campus Technology

For a lot of educators who want to use open educational resources (OER), the challenge is finding the “good stuff.” Useful lessons, textbooks and whole courses may be freely available online, but pinpointing the ones that can really help students with a particular learning objective can become a major hurdle to their adoption. Russ Walker is an advocate for OER usage at DeVry University Long Beach as a professor in the College of Business & Management. He especially likes OER for supplemental materials. “Very often a textbook or other resources that are built into the course don’t quite hit a learning objective right on the head,” he noted. Students often come at the content with their own perspectives, interests and backgrounds, and they may need to learn a concept “in another way or from another viewpoint,” he said, or they may just need a review on a topic they haven’t worked with in a long time. So Walker does what he can to “provide a variety of resources, including OER.”

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