Wednesday 14 March 2018

Google’s DeepMind AI is being taught to understand the thought-process behind the decisions of others just like a human

by Harry Pettit, Daily Mail
DeepMind software can predict what other AIs will do in a virtual setting
It can even understand whether they hold ‘false beliefs’ about an object
This so-called ‘theory of mind’ is only found in humans, apes and some birds
Google’s AI may one day lead to robots that can think more like humans.  The software is capable of predicting what other AIs will do, and can even understand whether they hold ‘false beliefs’ about the world around them. DeepMind reports its bot can now pass a key psychological test that most children only develop the skills for at around age four.  Its proficiency in this ‘theory of mind’ test may lead to robots that can think more like humans.

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