Thursday 10 November 2016

Top 10 Education Technologies that Will Be Dead and Gone in the Next Decade

By Dian Schaffhauser, Rhea Kelly, Campus Technology

In our 2016 Teaching with Technology survey, faculty members offered their predictions on what the future holds for technology in teaching — including what hardware and systems will bite the dust over the next 10 years. The technologies that exist in classrooms today won’t necessarily be the same ones that are around in 10 years. In particular, the days of desktop computers and laptops are numbered, according to educators in Campus Technology’s 2016 Teaching with Technology survey. The survey polled faculty members across the country about their use of technology for teaching and learning, their wish lists and gripes, their view of what the future holds and more. Respondents were asked to predict what education tech would die over the next decade. Desktop computers were mentioned by 29 percent of the 408 people responded. That type of tech won hands-down by a margin of nearly 2-to-1 compared to the next most popular choice: clickers, referenced in 16 percent of the votes.

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