Monday 18 January 2016

What does the future hold for K-12 ed tech?

By Roger Riddell, Education Dive

Technology is increasingly integrated in the fabric of K-12 education, but not all deployments are created equally. One-to-one rollouts of tablets or Chromebooks, for example, have shown great promise when handled with care, but for every success, critics are quick to point out a Los Angeles-style iPad nightmare. And don’t even get the U.S. Department of Education’s Richard Culatta started on smartboards. In an industry still waiting to see what a rewrite of its largest set of federal regulations holds for the future, what the coming years hold for tech in the classroom is often even more murky. What’s working for schools and districts right now? What are their concerns in the coming years? Are faculty, let alone Internet connections, ready to handle the digital workload? That’s what Education Dive set out to learn this summer from our survey of over 150 district officials, principals, and teachers.

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