Monday 1 December 2014

Trendy Buzzword or Transformative Concept: How Legit is Grit?

by Edudemic

Though Angela Dee Duckworth earned a MacArthur genius grant for her grit research, it remains to be seen whether the data offers a feasible way to improve student performance. Of course, while grit as a component of an organized lesson plan is a recent concept, this type of “stick-to-itiveness” is hardly a new concept. In fact, perseverance is the very value that was so prized in American settlers and explorers during the nation’s rapid westward expansion. Considered from such a historical perspective, it seems that grit has lasting power as a valuable trait in society. However, time will tell whether increasing grit is something one can do with a well-organized school program or if it’s simply an inborn trait to consider when helping students identify their strengths and weaknesses. In either case, it’s an interesting and valuable discussion that’s well worth exploring.

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