Sunday 1 December 2013

The Sustainability ‘NOOC’: learning from a multi-disciplinary online course

by Sarah Speight, UK Campus

Dr Sarah Speight: “In spring 2013, I led a pilot project to foster a sense of community amongst students and staff across our three campuses through learning together. Working with Learning Technologist Helen Whitehead, we constructed the first ‘NOOC’ or Nottingham Open Online Course, called ‘Perspectives on Sustainability’. “Helen and I came to the project initially with different priorities. I wanted to use the NOOC to encourage cross-campus interaction between students of different disciplines. My aim was to grow interest in, and knowledge of, sustainability and I was determined that the NOOC should appeal to students from all areas (e.g. Humanities as well as Environmental Sciences). Helen was interested in the ‘disruptive’ pedagogies associated with ‘MOOCs’ (Massive Open Online Courses). Helen had experienced MOOCs as a student and wanted to try out other means of creating meaningful and collaborative learning online. We were hoping for 100 students. We got 850 – although only about 200 of these remained active throughout the course.

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