Sunday 15 December 2013

The future of cyber-learning

By Alexander Baron, Digital Journal

If programmes of this nature are mainly US-oriented, they won’t be for long; on-line learning is not only here to stay, it is a global phenomenon, even for those who are not interested in learning either formally or less formally through a MOOC. At one time in order to do serious research you needed access to a major archive like the British Library, the Library Of Congress or at the very least a major university library. Now all that is on your desktop and more. Back in the 1990s, the British Library was adding around 5 shelf miles of material every year. Today, one website – the Internet Archive – is currently boasting 368,000,000,000 pages. Even allowing for duplication, this is staggering. Combine this with the ad hoc University of YouTube, and all the other archives on your desktop – and there is now no excuse for ignorance. If only!

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