Wednesday 4 December 2013

BYOD Programs: A 10-Point Checklist for a Successful Strategy

By Chris Preimesberger, eWeek

You’re in charge of rolling out a bring-your-own-device (BYOD) program for your company, and you have to figure out what actions to take. BYOD is an approach that allows employees, business partners and others to use personally selected and purchased client devices to execute enterprise applications and access data. It typically spans smartphones and tablets, but the strategy may also be used for PCs, including netbooks, notebooks or other portable connected devices. “BYOD strategies are the most radical change to the economics and the culture of client computing in business in decades,” said David Willis, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. “The benefits of BYOD include creating new mobile workforce opportunities, increasing employee satisfaction, and reducing or avoiding costs.” This eWEEK slide show, with key information from Ali Din of cloud services provider dinCloud, presents a checklist to make sure your BYOD program works within the requirements of the enterprise.

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