Tuesday 19 December 2017

What Higher Education Experts Want You To Know About AI

by Meghan Bogardus Cortez, EdTech
Artificial intelligence is hitting universities, but it doesn’t mean professors are being replaced by computers. “So when we talk about AI, we imagine robots, we imagine science fiction, we imagine Skynet overthrowing the world. These are the things that we imagine, but the reality is that it’s not nearly that sexy,” said Kyle Bowen, the educational technology services director at Penn State, during EdSurge Live’s town hall on AI. “The reality is that some of the really interesting applications of this are people and computers working together to think about or to explore different problems or ideas,” Bowen added. Much like Microsoft’s Anthony Salcito, Bowen and other higher education influencers touted AI’s ability to make data analytics and student success initiatives even easier by drawing out the most actionable data.


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