Tuesday 7 November 2017

Report: 89% of students prefer tech-savvy schools

By Pat Donachie, Education Dive

Sudents want to attend a tech-savvy college or university, but 58% of students found their institution was less likely than other businesses to personalize the digital experience, according to a new survey of a 1000 students from Ellucian. But, there was mixed response on how an application could impact the student experience; 68% of students attending schools with such an app said the amount of information was initially “overwhelming,” but 85% of students at schools without a centralized app said they would have liked one throughout the transition to college life, reports Campus Technology.  Students responded they were most interested in personalization efforts when it came to career prep, followed closely by financial assistance and tuition insight. Eight out of ten students endorsed institutional social media use, with Facebook being the preferred app of 33% of respondents.


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from Educational Technology http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/?p=33392

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