Monday 4 September 2017

Professors must update outdated technology in online courses OPINIONS, Raisa Choudhury, GW Hatchet

Professors should be required by the University to improve the technology in their courses by using updated software and higher quality equipment. They should use better recording equipment, like a Blue Snowball microphone, and upload files as mp4s or avis, which are supported by most computers. Simply relying on PowerPoints with shoddy voice-overs and outdated files will decrease the quality of learning. Students pay approximately $1,250 per credit for summer online courses – the same amount per credit for traditional courses – and they should be getting the same quality of instruction. As of now, students can only grin and bear through the outdated software because there is no other alternative on such short notice. They can either be fortunate enough to find another way to view the material, or end up just dropping the class entirely.

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