Wednesday 19 April 2017

Teaching and Learning Get Personal With Change to Proficiency-Based Grading

by Nora Doyle-Burr, Valley News

Instead of receiving traditional letter grades, students in seventh and eighth grades, and in ninth grade in the core courses of science, social studies and English, were evaluated in certain skills by their mastery — beginning, approaching, proficient and distinguished. Woodstock’s change in its grading system is linked to an imminent statewide change in graduation requirements and an accompanying push to emphasize a more personalized approach to teaching and learning. If Woodstock’s recent experience is any guide, other Vermont school districts should expect hiccups during the transition. In a proficiency-based system, teachers rely on standards such as the Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards and state Education Quality Standards to determine which skills they expect students to master. They use rubrics and “I can” statements to show students what they need to be able to do to become proficient in each skill.

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