Saturday 10 September 2016

Smaller classes, innovations to greet students in ‘reformed’ Buffalo schools

by Deidre Williams, Buffalo News

In Kriner Cash’s second year as Buffalo superintendent, he says these are just some of the changes he is implementing in his reform agenda. “We’re going to provide (students) with the opportunity to do more,” Cash said. “We’re going to have our schools open longer. We’re going to bring all the services and supports to” students and their families. Here are some of the other innovations students and parents can expect to see when the 2016-17 school year starts Tuesday: iPads for all students in pre-K through second grade and access to tablets and laptop computers for students beginning in second grade; Six new translators for the top foreign languages spoken in the district, as multilingual education reform continues. “We’re going allow you to get online and go as far as you want to go as quickly as you want to go through our online course menu and our virtual schools and our other technology upgrades that we’re bringing in from pre-K through grade 12,” Cash said.

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