Sunday 11 September 2016

Can Predictive Analytics Encourage Purdue Students to Be More Successful?


Purdue University is working on student- and adviser-facing applications that reveal how student behavior matches up to their peers who have been successful academically. Enter Forecast, a student-facing Web application designed to compare current student behavior with the aggregated behavior of successful peers over the last eight years. Indiana university adopted hardware and software platforms to support predictive analytics, and then developed the application for students on top of that infrastructure. “We really wanted to expand what we were doing in the space of predictive modeling to allow us to look at more near-time and real-time data points of how students are actually interacting with the campus, and see how those were or were not predictive of whether they were ultimately successful here,” said Brent M. Drake, who became Purdue’s first chief data officer nearly three years ago. Purdue plans to study whether this application will help students actually change their behavior and improve academically.

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