Wednesday 12 November 2014

Fantastically Wrong: The Scientist Who Seriously Believed Criminals Were Part Ape

Fantastically Wrong: The Scientist Who Seriously Believed Criminals Were Part Ape

If you’ve been following this column, you’ve noticed that I while I’m admittedly a tad flippant and snarky, I try to make it clear that in science, being wrong is perfectly OK. Because when someone comes along to prove you incorrect, it’s progress. Edmond Halley hypothesizing that our Earth was hollow, for instance, helped solidify the scientific method as we know it. Even the dazzling cruelty of trying animals for crimes and executing them strangely enough had an upside. You can be wrong and still contribute much to society. The 19th century professor of criminology Cesare Lombroso was not one of those people. Cesare was a dum-dum.

The post Fantastically Wrong: The Scientist Who Seriously Believed Criminals Were Part Ape appeared first on WIRED.

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