Sunday 9 November 2014

Blackmon: Education is vastly different from training

By MYRA BLACKMON, Online Athens

Let’s get something straight. Education and training are not the same thing. Training is about skills to do something, such as a job or physical task. It implies reaction to certain stimuli or situations. Education is broader than that. It is the acquisition of general knowledge, the development of reasoning and judgment. Education is a much more nuanced, deeper concept than training. It requires understanding of theory, of the “why” of things. It requires much more than just being able to do a task, even a complex one. Jay Cross, who is credited with creating the term “e-learning,” explains it this way: “If your 16 year-old daughter told you that she was going to take a sex education course in high school, you might be pleased. What if she announced she was going to take sex training at school?”

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