Monday 9 June 2014

Report: Most Districts Have Deployed Mobile Tech, Want More

By Joshua Bolkan, THE Journal

Eighty-two percent of districts are “highly interested” in launching or expanding a 1:1 technology initiative within the next two years, according to a new report from Amplify and IESD. The report, the “2014 National Survey on Mobile Technology for K-12 Education,” also found that the number of districts reporting that at least one-quarter of their schools had deployed mobile devices had risen to 71 percent, up from 60 percent in 2013. Forty-four percent of districts surveyed said that approximately 75 percent of their schools had deployed mobile technology. “The most commonly expected and sought after benefits from adopting mobile technology for student instruction,” wrote the report’s author, “included their potential to increase student achievement, be engaging for students, and support personalization of instruction to meet the needs of different students.”

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