Wednesday 11 June 2014

New Research from SRI International Offers Insights into Blended Learning Models

by SRI International

Blended learning models— the combination of teacher-led and online instruction— may improve education by enhancing personalized learning in schools and freeing teachers to focus on helping all students develop higher-level learning skills. However, successful implementation of these models requires adequate infrastructure, reliable technology, quality software content, and changes in classroom management practices, according to new research by SRI International. “The explosion of digital content and resources available for teachers and schools is driving changes in practice, and there’s no question that more online resources are going to be used in K-12 classrooms,” said Robert Murphy, Ph.D., director of evaluation research for the Center for Technology in Learning, SRI Education. “But our findings make clear there are foundational issues to be addressed for blended learning to be successful in improving teaching and learning.”

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