Wednesday 25 June 2014

Twitter: The Best Professional Development Tool for Teachers

By mralbert, Edudemic

How often have we sat in a Staff Meeting or Professional Development day and listened to the talk turn into a complaint session with no real solutions being offered? I have one suggestion, join Twitter and start tweeting. This has been an invaluable tool for me. I started about a month ago professionally, meaning before that it was mostly sports, celebs, and leisure activities. I am not an expert, and I make mistakes. I have messed up hashtags and @ signs and have learned they are not the same or used for the same reason. I follow more than follow me. I have also learned more in the last month then ever before and have been exposed to so many fresh ideas. These ideas I bring right into the classroom, which means the students are being exposed to some of the newest and brightest ideas out there. Imagine going to a faculty meeting and hearing great ideas in 140 characters or less from everyone. If you can’t say it in 140 characters, chances are, it is not worth saying.

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