Friday 10 February 2017

ePortfolios that Make Learning Visible: Education Values in Product Design: A Q&A with Jeffrey Yan

By Mary Grush, Campus Technology

Over the course of the whole semester, students work on projects of their own design and proposal. The art of asking questions is just as important as the act of answering them. Ongoing critiques throughout the semester support this aspect of the pedagogy. In a sense, the critiques serve as guided, reflective compositions that are very rigorous. The students, their teachers, and their peers all try to contribute through respectful and rigorous discourse, and document progress. This becomes highly personalized learning for each student, and it’s done in a supportive, social environment. They wanted to look at authentic student work, have real evidence of learning, and be able to do this comprehensively. As a result, many institutions focused their ePortfolio efforts on institutional applications.

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