Friday 11 March 2016

Report: Game-Based Learning Helps Students Develop Writing Skills

By Rhea Kelly, Campus Technology

According to initial results from recent pilot, digital game-based learning improved student engagement and self-efficacy in writing courses at 14 colleges and universities. Over the fall 2015 semester, a group of faculty piloted Toolwire’s Writing Games with more than 1,000 students, primarily in developmental and introductory composition courses. The resulting research report documents “faculty and student reactions based on over 530,000 minutes of student usage” of the technology. Participating institutions include several campuses in the Maricopa, Lone Star, and Colorado Community College systems, as well as the California State University and City University of New York systems. The study was authored by Douglas Beckwith, Toolwire’s senior fellow and a professor of practice at Arizona State University.

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