Saturday 5 December 2015

The blended learning model every district can try

By Lauren Angelone, eSchool News

For public schools where remediation is not the only goal, putting part of the curricula online offers something else: flexibility. This is personalizing to make room for a type of growth not possible in a one-size-fits-all classroom. If some of the more rote sorts of lessons (think lectures, reviewing math facts, etc.) can be offloaded to the computer, which happily repeats, what else can happen in a school day? What other experiences can students have? And when the teacher can provide more options than one large group activity, what sorts of deep, authentic learning can occur? Parents remember bells ringing, textbooks, and the teacher as ultimate authority. Public education won’t become flexible overnight, nor should it. There’s a history that must be valued as much as it is questioned. The community must come along on a journey to change a culture that can be prohibitive with regard to the very thing it is meant to promote: learning.

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