Tuesday 1 December 2015

Digitally yours: Redefining the learning space

By Yasal MunimPublished, Express Tribune

In the contemporary digital era, the learning environment is not merely restricted to the classroom setting. The myriads of resources available on the internet allow students to access a vast domain of knowledge, which, if used properly can turn them into creative thinkers. The scope of the transformation triggered by technology in the lives of students was discussed on the first day of the School of Tomorrow conference in a session titled ‘Brave New Digital World: Dream or nightmare’. “I think rather than deliberating the advantages of the digital revolution of the classrooms we need to realise that it is already here,” said Karachi Institute of Technology and Entrepreneurship founder Afaque Riaz Ahmed. “It is up to us now to use it in a way to benefit the society.”


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from Educational Technology http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/?p=14427

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