Monday 19 January 2015

These 6 questions determine if you’re technology rich, innovation poor

By Alan November, eSchool News

Think your school is innovative with tech? Answer these 6 questions and prepare to reassess innovation. questions. At the start of a webinar I recently conducted for school leaders, I asked attendees if they felt they were leading an innovative school as a result of the implementation of technology. More than 90 percent responded that they were. At the end of the webinar, when polled again, only one leader claimed to be leading an innovative school. The complete reversal was due to a presentation on the six questions that you will read about in this article—a list of questions that were developed to help clarify for educators the unique added value of a digital learning environment, and whether their assignments were making the best use of this environment. Want to test your own level of innovation? The questions we ask to evaluate implementation and define innovation are critical.

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