Sunday 25 January 2015

Khan Academy Releases All Classes for iPad

by Michael Foster, Khan Academy

For the first time ever, Khan Academy has released all of its classes specifically for the iPad. Khan Academy has positioned itself as a stopgap for people who are being failed by their education system. While the site is great for self-study, often it’s being used by students who are being let down by their teachers. When lessons are confusing, fail to cover the material adequately, or assume knowledge that students lack, they can go to Khan Academy and fill in the gaps that their education system has thrust on them. Further distribution and simplification will only help Khan Academy shore up the holes in otherwise lacking educational programs, which is why the iPad release is such a big deal. Additionally, the growing popularity of teaching by tablet around the world means that more teachers will likely resort to teaching lessons through Khan Academy instead of through costly and often lackluster textbooks. This will save schools money, it will make the education process more efficient, and it will likely make more students learn to love learning.

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