Saturday 19 July 2014

Students More Motivated in Online Learning Environments

by Mark Belles, Blackboard Blog

At ISTE this year, we released a report along with Project Tomorrow that reflected the views of over 400,000 K-12 students, educators, administrators and parents on digital learning. And we found some very interesting results:

Students in digital learning environments are more interested in what they are learning in school, more motivated to do well, and feel a stronger connection to their school than students in traditional, face-to-face classes.

Nearly 50% of virtual high school students say they are interested in what they were learning in school, while only 32% of traditional high school students said the same.

More than one-third of virtual school students said they are motivated because they like school. While only a quarter of traditional school students say the same.

While only 24% of traditional high school students say their school cares about them as a person, nearly 40% of students who have had some type of school-based digital learning experience believe that their school cares about them.

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