Saturday 9 April 2016

Student course evaluations ignored by students, disliked by staff

By Jesse Bowman, the Torch

Winter Term has ended and Spring Term is in motion. Much knowledge has been gained. Techniques have been acquired. Favorite teachers have been chosen and grades received. However, a process of critical analysis required for change has yet again been left out of the equation — student course evaluations. Since these course evaluations have been moved strictly online since last fall, the amount of completed forms has dropped significantly. Just over 11 percent of students completed evaluations for the courses they were enrolled in for Winter Term, according to Faculty Council. Some staff believe students should be utilizing these tools more. That these evaluations can help them adapt and change to fit new learning styles. However, a majority of students seem to be aloof, having to fill out the same style of forum for each class and teacher with no that it actually makes a difference.

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