Sunday 10 April 2016

Cap, gown and a Chromebook

by Crystal Dominguez, Temple Daily Telegram

Temple High School seniors Alexis Kruse and Tyler Sebek received Google Chromebooks from the school this year and will be taking them with them after graduation — the first class to do so. “They have been extremely helpful,” Kruse said. “Because as a senior I have had to write a lot of essays and so now I can do that in class. You are also more connected to all the teachers and it is easier to have access to the assignments that are given to you.” Sebek said he did not have a laptop when he started high school and is glad the school has given him one. “It was all books and papers and carting them around everywhere,” Sebek said. “Having the Chromebook is so much lighter to just carry your computer around and maybe a few sheets of paper. Back then you had to carry like two textbooks and all your journals.” Sebek said he is more organized with his school work because of the Chromebook and uses it to apply for scholarships during his downtime.

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