Sunday 21 June 2015

How companies can use MOOCs to teach employees

by Tim Dodd, AFR

Coursera’s Learning to Teach Online MOOC is aimed at helping traditional educators who teach face-to-face make the switch to online learning but is being extended to corporations. Jeevan Joshi, founder of the professional learning community Learning Cafe, is offering organisations additional online learning to supplement a massive open online course (MOOC) being offered worldwide by United States MOOC provider Coursera. The course, Learning to Teach Online, from the University of NSW, is aimed at helping traditional educators who teach face-to-face make the switch to online learning, letting them draw on the knowledge of experienced online teachers. Corporations should take more advantage of free online material in providing learning and development for their employees, he said. Companies were often “suspicious of anything that is not built by them”, he said. “But that needs to change, because we live in a world where there are wonderful resources available on the internet and it would be a mistake not to curate and select the best from what’s available.”

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