Wednesday 21 May 2014

5 Online Tools to Help Combat Plagiarism

by Melissa Burns, Edutopia

All K-12 educators know how students are complaining about the piles of homework they get. If you ask for their opinion, teachers will tell you that they don’t assign more homework than students can handle, but they do have trouble convincing them to pay attention to even the simplest assignments. All students complain when they need to write an essay. Some will fail to deliver it, and others will deliver what educators hate the most — a plagiarized paper. You can never be sure whether or not a student has worked on an assignment all by him- or herself, but at least you can be sure that the content is unique. There are many modern tools that help you discover copied sentences and paragraphs, so your job is to make students understand that they should start thinking with their own heads. Using other people’s words as their own won’t take them anywhere.

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