Wednesday 16 April 2014

Welcome to the Post-XP world, but how on earth did we get here?

By Jack Schofield, ZD Net

Summary: The end of Windows XP support was almost as hyped as the Y2K bug, but it’s hard to see any rational reasons why so many organisations stuck with an antique operating system long past its use-by date. There hasn’t been such a build-up of pointless excitement since the Year 2000 bug threatened to destroy civilisation as we know it. Of course, Microsoft ending support for its aged and insecure Windows XP operating system never threatened anything like that, regardless of the XPocalypse-style billing. The real risks are in the longer term, and will probably affect large enterprises and governments. Or at least, those are the ones that will be reported. There is a real risk that malware creators will be able to exploit XP, but it remains to be seen how well its users will be able to defend it. The fact that they couldn’t manage a relatively simple (in most cases) upgrade on time, even when given almost seven years advance warning, suggests not.

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